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Sensitive Teeth

There are many causes of sensitive teeth:


Decay results in teeth which can be sensitive to cold,sweet or hot.

Decay prevention includes :

  • Regular removal of dental plaque by brushing with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily.
  • Low consumption of high sugary foods and drinks.
  • Drink water frequently .
  • Regular dental check-ups every 6 months to check for early signs of decay.
  • Check up x-rays approximately every 2 years to check for decay in between the teeth.

Decay can be fixed with a filling if it is caught early - the larger the decay the more likely the tooth will require a root canal treatment or extraction


Acidic drinks and foods can erode your teeth away by wearing away the outer hard shell (enamel) of your teeth. As the erosion progresses the enamel gets thinner and thinner. Eventually the inner part of your teeth (dentine) becomes exposed. When this inner part of your tooth becomes exposed it can be very sensitive to cold drinks, food and even cold air.

Soft drinks, wine, energy drinks and lemon/orange juices are highly acidic and slowly erode your tooth structure away.
Water is the best for your teeth!! We recommend drinking water to prevent erosion of your teeth. To reduce the damage of acidic drinks on your teeth it is a good idea to drink water afterwards, and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

Toothbrush Abrasion

Toothbrush abrasion wears away enamel just above the gum liner and causes a wedge in the tooth. These holes are often not decayed but can become very sensitive to cold food, drinks and cold air.
Prevention of toothbrush abrasion is by using a soft toothbrush and a gentle brushing technique or an electric toothbrush. If you already have toothbrush abrasion this can be fixed with a filling to prevent it from getting worse.